At our AGM earlier this year, the following were elected to Branch Officer positions:
Dan J Bye – Branch Secretary
Tracey Holland – Branch Chair
Blodwen Grayhurst – Treasurer
Lucinda Wakefield – International Officer / Acting Health & Safety Officer
Anna Wiggins – Women’s Officer
Ana Yousaf – Equality Officer
But a number of Officer positions remain unfilled and are empty posts. They are:
Vice Chair
Communication Officer
Membership Officer
Welfare Officer
Education Officer
Young Persons’ Officer
The more posts we can fill, the more the Branch can achieve, so we are keen to hear from members who are interested in taking up these opportunities. They are a great way of developing your own skills and experience, as well as making a contribution to the union’s collective strength. Each Officer role has a particular specialism, but Officers can also get involved in case work and negotiation more generally.
Remember, paid time off is allowed to carry out union duties, and training and support is available for the roles from UNISON and the Branch.
To find out more about the purpose of the roles, see:
Between AGMs, the Branch Committee can co-opt any member who is eligible to most of the vacant posts. So if you are interested please get in touch with Dan Bye, Branch Secretary, or another Branch Officer, for a chat!