- Joanne Ward, email.
Note: Joanne works part time and is covering this branch on Mondays – Thursdays PM 12:00 – 16:00
- Branch Secretary: Dan J Bye, ext. 2122, or email (preferred).
- Chair: Vacant position.
- Vice Chair: Vacant position.
- Treasurer: Vacant position.
- International Officer: Lucinda Wakefield, ext. 6238, or email.
- Communication Officer: Dan Grace, ext 6526, or email.
- Membership Officer: Russell Wren, ext. 3456, or email.
- Women’s Officer: Theresa Walker, ext.3566, or email.
- Equality Officer (job share): Ana Yousaf, ext. 4213, or email.
- Health & Safety Officer: Karl McAuley, ext. 6157, or email.
- Welfare Officer: Tom Flanagan, ext. 4101, or email.
- Education Officer: Vacant position.
- Environment Officer: Vacant position.
- Young Person’s Officer: Vacant position.
Academic Services and Directorate Office (part of SAS)
- Greg Smith, ext. 6125, or email.
- Theresa Walker, ext. 3566, or email.
- Ana Yousaf, ext. 4213, or email.
- 1 vacancy
Academic Strategy and Colleges and Global Development and Partnerships
- 2 vacancies (contact Dan Bye, ext. 2122, or email)
Business Engagement, Skills and Employability (BESE)
- James Coppard, ext. 2036, or email.
- 1 vacancy
Corporate Operations
- 1 vacancy (contact Dan Bye, ext. 2122, or email)
Digital Technology Services (DTS)
- Russell Wren, ext. 3456, or email.
- Karl McAuley ext. 6157 or email.
- 3 vacancies
Estates and Facilities
- 4 vacancies (contact Dan Bye, ext. 2122, or email)
Finance and Procurement
- 2 vacancies (contact Dan Bye, ext. 2122, or email)
Governance & Sector Regulation
- 1 vacancy (contact Dan Bye, ext. 2122, or email)
Human Resources & Organisation Development, and Development & Diversity
- 1 vacancy (contact Dan Bye, ext. 2122, or email)
Library & Student Support Services (L&SSS)
- Dan Grace, ext 6526, or email.
- Lucinda Wakefield, ext. 6238, or email.
- 8 vacancies.
Recruitment, Reputation and Outreach
- 3 vacancies (contact Dan Bye, ext. 2122, or email)
Research and Innovation Services
- 2 vacancies (contact Dan Bye, ext. 2122, or email)
Strategy, Planning & Insight and College Services
- 2 vacancies (contact Dan Bye, ext. 2122, or email)
Student Experience, Teaching and Learning
- 1 vacancy (contact Dan Bye, ext. 2122, or email)
Students’ Union
- Maddie Bebbington, email.
- Eliza Groark, email.
- Local contacts: Milicent Heaton and Ryan Coleflax.
Technical Operations, Resources and Services (SAS)
- Tom Flanagan, ext. 4101, or email.
- 2 vacancies
- Local contact: David Blench, Jon Chapman, Ella Morton.
- 1 vacancy (contact Dan Bye, ext. 2122, or email)
Vice Chancellor’s Office. Development and Alumni Relations and Executive Support
- 1 vacancy (contact Dan Bye, ext. 2122, or email)