24 July  –  stall in the Main University entrance.

31 July  – UNISON Advice Surgery 10111 Arundel

14 August –  (tbc)

21 August  – stall Level 6 above main entrance

28 August  – Advice Surgery 10111 Arundel

If you are interested in attending an advice surgery please contact c.hammerton@unsion.co.uk  to book an appointment.


The new Local Government Pension Scheme (in our region known as the South Yorkshire Pension Scheme) comes into being on 1 April 2014.   The Public Service Pensions Act became law in April this year.   This legislation was necessary to allow the existing schemes to be changed, and the detail of how the scheme will work in included in draft regulations currently out for consultation (https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/local-government-pension-scheme-2014).

For more information on the progress of the design of the new scheme, see: http://www.lgps2014.org/.

UNISON has concerns about the extension of “fair deal” protection to LGPS members, which has not yet been finalised.  “Fair deal” means that if a public service is privatised, workers are allowed to maintain membership of the LGPS.   UNISON believes that this protection was built into the agreement on reform of the LGPS and that therefore all scheme members should be covered, and is making representations to that effect.


The UNISON Higher Education Service Group Executive (HESGE) is urging members to strike for better pay, following the employers’ refusal to improve the 1% offer.

UNISON believes that the money is available for a better pay increase, and that Higher Education employers can afford to improve on their offer.

Over the last 5 years, as a result of pay rises below the cost of living, our lowest paid members have lost the equivalent income of between £663 – £1173. UNISON believes that no employees in higher education should be paid less than the national Living Wage and that it is time for incomes for everyone in the sector to match the rising costs of living.

According to a recent freedom of information request, the median pay of the highest paid members of staff in the higher education sector (including pension contributions and other pay related elements) was £242,000 with the highest paid employee receiving over £500,000 per year! There is money available for some – we believe it should be available for all.

UNISON believes that evidence from the employer’s shows that the financial position of the higher education is healthy and  shows signs of expansion with the number of employees in the HE sector showing an increase for management, academic and support staff by over 4,000 between 1/8/11 and 1/8/12.

Although during the same period some universities have made redundancies, this is not reflected across all HEI’s and we believe that this is further evidence that the sector has the money to make an improved pay offer that fairly reflects the contribution of our members.

The HESGE believe that the only way for an improved pay offer from the employers is for members to take strike action, and show the University employers that enough is enough and that pay matters.

UNISON consulted members on whether the offer should be accepted, and the majority of those responding said they would not accept it.   Therefore the HESGE has decided to ballot members for industrial action in September.   If members vote for action, this would be likely to take place in the autumn.

Remember: your vote does count.

We will be arranging Branch meetings to allow members to discuss the pay offer and campaign for a better deal.

It is important that before the ballot we have accurate contact details for all members.  In our branch we have done a lot of work over recent years to make sure that our records are up to date. However, we know that members are constantly on the move, and so if you have changed your name, phone number, email address or postal address, please make sure you have told us.

You can update your details by emailing Jo, our branch administrator.

Or call UNISONDirect on 0845 355 0845.

Or manage your details online here: http://www.unison.org.uk/my-unison/

Role of the UNISON steward

We’re also always looking for new UNISON stewards, particularly in areas where we currently have no representation.  Key elements of the role are:

  • Organising – talking to, recruiting and organising members around workplace issues, publicising campaigns and keeping members informed about and involved in local negotiations.
  • Advising – giving advice or acting as a sounding board to members with workplace issues, referring members for assistance where appropriate, or helping them to find out the information they need.
  • Representing – after training, accompanying members in meetings and formal processes, or helping them to raise problems with managers before they get out of hand.  Ensuring that members’ views are represented to the wider union branch.

Stewards are entitled to facility time and undertake training to carry out this role.  They may also act as local Health and Safety representatives.

If you’d like to find out more, contact Dan Bye, Branch Secretary, or you could consider becoming a workplace contact.  Workplace contacts have a more informal role and can act as part of a network supporting elected stewards.

Be a UNISON Branch Officer!

SHU UNISON branch has a number of vacant officer roles.  These roles are an excellent way to get more involved with the Branch, as well as developing skills that you will find useful in work and wider contexts.  Branch officers are entitled to facility time to carry out their duties, and have access to regional / national training courses as well as advice and support from experienced officers within the Branch and the Region.  Administrative support for all roles is provided by Jo Ward, UNISON Administrator.  Details of vacant roles are below; to find out more or to volunteer for any of these roles please contact Dan Bye, Branch Secretary.

Branch Chair / Vice-Chair

The Branch Chair is responsible for chairing and setting the agendas for branch meetings.  This involves liaising with officers and stewards about the priorities for discussion; encouraging a wide range of contributions to meetings; and ensuring meetings are effective in sharing information and making decisions, while also running to time!

Communications Officer

The Communications Officer will encourage officers, stewards and members to submit articles and information to the branch website/newsletter, and other communications that may be needed from time to time.  They will edit articles submitted to ensure they are suitable for publishing by the branch administrator, and maintain an overview of branch communications, including social media.

Equalities Officer

The Equalities Officer works to promote equal opportunities for members across the University, for example by encouraging the development of Self-Organised Groups, providing feedback on University equality policies and raising issues relevant to members with protected characteristics.  This may involve attending University meetings of groups such as the proposed SHU Equality and Diversity Group.


The Treasurer has oversight of branch finances, including preparation of the annual budget, reporting to branch committee and the AGM on the branch’s financial position, and co-ordinating the salary payments for the branch administrator, using online systems provided by UNISON and HMRC.  While it is by no means necessary to be a qualified accountant to fulfil this role, some confidence around working with budgets and spreadsheets or a calculator is required!

Young Members Officer

Young members are defined by UNISON as being 26 or under.  The Young Members Officer will seek to involve young members within the branch, by identifying recruitment initiatives and providing feedback on policies and raising issues relevant to younger members of staff.

999 Answer the call for your NHS

Planning is under way for the 999 – Answer the call for your NHS rally which will take place outside the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester on Sunday 29th September.  UNISON General Secretary Dave Prentis called on the TUC to organise this march at our annual conference in June.

UNISON believes that the Tory health act will result in longer waiting times, a shortage of staff in hospitals and a poorer service that needs more of your taxes.  The Tories are pushing the profit motive rather than your health to the heart of the NHS; key treatments are being restricted, services cut and jobs lost.

Our NHS remains the fairest and most cost-effective health service in the world.

Don’t let the Tories ruin it, join us in Manchester on 29th September.

SHU UNISON branch will be discussing whether to arrange transport to the rally (see motion to August branch committee), if you are interested in attending contact your local steward or officer to let us know!

Pay consultation – results

Thank you to everyone who took part in our consultation over the 1% pay offer – the results are now in!

62% voted to reject the pay offer.  Comments included: “We’ve accepted below inflation rises for too long now” and “We need to fight this, I would strike”.

38% voted to accept the offer, with comments including “In the current climate, 1% sounds good”.

However the turnout was relatively low, with only about 10% of members taking part.

We’ll be submitting the results of our consultation to the Higher Education Service Group Executive, who will take a decision regarding any action in the light of feedback they received from around the sector.

Your Pay in Numbers web lr (2)