Planning is under way for the 999 – Answer the call for your NHS rally which will take place outside the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester on Sunday 29th September. UNISON General Secretary Dave Prentis called on the TUC to organise this march at our annual conference in June.
UNISON believes that the Tory health act will result in longer waiting times, a shortage of staff in hospitals and a poorer service that needs more of your taxes. The Tories are pushing the profit motive rather than your health to the heart of the NHS; key treatments are being restricted, services cut and jobs lost.
Our NHS remains the fairest and most cost-effective health service in the world.
Don’t let the Tories ruin it, join us in Manchester on 29th September.
SHU UNISON branch will be discussing whether to arrange transport to the rally (see motion to August branch committee), if you are interested in attending contact your local steward or officer to let us know!