The week commencing 12th May is UNISON recruitment week. So please encourage your colleagues to join UNISON.
SHU UNISON Branch is promoting UNISON by having recruitment stalls at both sites with information on the importance and benefits of being in a union.
Members can play a big part in this by:
- bringing along a potential new member to one of the recruitment stalls.
- if the new member signs up to join UNISON at a stall SHU UNISON will reward you by reimbursing the cost of an NUS extra card* for both the existing member and the new member.
- Stalls will be on Campus on Tuesday 13th May between 12-2pm at the Café in the Robert Winston Building Collegiate Campus and in the main entrance at Owen Building City Campus.
- new members will need to be signed up for a month before the reward can be reimbursed.
- ensure you leave your details with the UNISON rep on the stall to claim the reward.
(* please note we will cover the cost of the one year option for the card which is £12).