Last week you will all hopefully have received through the post a ballot paper for you to vote in OUR union’s General Secretary elections.

In a member-led union, UNISON encourages you to be heard and to have a say in who you think should be our next General Secretary.

SHU UNISON have nominated Paul Holmes for General Secretary because:

  • Members of the Branch know him through his regional work in South Yorkshire:
  • Paul has the best record of leadership and fighting for members.
  • Paul is the members’ candidate, from the shop floor.
  • Paul will take the job on his current wage of £32,000, declining the £138,000 available.
  • Paul will massively increase funding to branches so we can support you better.
  • Paul has a track-record of winning disputes and elections, other candidates do not.
  • Paul’s leadership will be inclusive, developing talents from across our whole union and involving retired members.
  • Paul is popular across UNISON and can win.

The Ballot will run from 28th October until 27th November 2020.

The ballot is postal-only. Make sure you vote!