The Co-op Bank and UNISON relationship ended on 30 September 2015 and the run-off period for the migration of personal individual accounts ends on 28 January 2016.
Members who have a personal UNISON product Co-operative Bank account have been sent a letter from the bank informing them of their options to close or migrate their account.
Members with a UNISON Britannia mortgage account opened before 25 February 1999 will continue to receive the standard variable rate discount of 0.25% for the life of the mortgage with the bank (excludes offset savings and lifetime tracker deals).
All other UNISON mortgage account customers will continue to receive the standard variable rate discount of 0.25% until further notice.
The bank’s contact numbers for related enquiries are:
- for existing mortgage enquiries contact 0808 156 2832;
- for existing savings enquiries contact 0800 132 304.