Another chance to see the Library’s fascinating
exhibition on working people and science, originally
presented in 2013 to coincide with the 24th
International Congress of History of Science,
Technology and Medicine to echo its theme
“Knowledge at Work”. The exhibition, Knowledge,
work and workers, runs from Thursday 3 April until
Friday 30 May. It highlights hidden aspects of our
collections – topics such as the contributions that
scientists have made to the peace movement,
campaigns to improve public health and the struggles
that trade unions and others have undertaken to make
the workplace a safer place.
This year’s Frow Lecture takes place on Saturday
3 May at 2pm at the Old Fire Station, Salford. Our
speaker will be John Hilary, Executive Director, War on
Want, and author of The Poverty of Capitalism:
Economic Meltdown and the Struggle for What Comes
Next. His topic is Taking the Fight to Global
Join singers and walkers on Bank Holiday Sunday,
4 May, to commemorate the gathering of thousands of
Chartists on Blackstone Edge in August 1846.
Walk up to the rocky outcrop on Blackstone Edge in
the early afternoon to enjoy the views, to sing, and to
meet and listen to other singers. There will be choirs,
individuals and small groups singing Chartist and other
songs; possibly some people reading poems or talking
about the Chartists; and lots of picnickers
If you would like to contribute a song or reading, or if
you are willing to lead a walk up to the Edge from one
of the valley towns or railway stations, please contact
Gwyneth Morgan at:
More information at
HOLD THE DATE – we’re planning a contribution to
Manchester’s Museums at Night evening on
Thursday 15 May. More soon!
As part of Chorlton Arts Festival a collective of artists
using prose, song, poetry and an exhibition will tell the
story of Manchester’s International Brigaders. From
Manchester to Madrid takes place at St Ninian’s,
Egerton Road South, M32 0XY on Saturday 17 May,
starting at 7.15pm.
A transnational and comparative labour
movement conference takes place at the University of
Huddersfield on 21 July, organised by the Society for
the Study of Labour History and presenting papers on
topics as varied as ‘transnational allegiances in WWII
Britain’ to ‘the political travel of Dora Montefiore’. Cost
£15. More details from Janette Martin,