Tracey Holland, who has been our Branch Treasurer for several years, will be stepping down at the AGM in March.  We will miss her.

The Branch urgently needs a member to succeed Tracey as Treasurer.

Experience is not necessary – training is provided, and there is support from UNISON HQ.    The Treasurer liaises closely with Joanne Ward, our Branch Administrator, who looks after our finances on a day-to-day basis and has a great deal of knowledge and experience.

The Treasurer would be able to take time off work for training, and there is agreed time to carry out Treasurer duties and attend Branch meetings, but the workload is not heavy.

The main responsibilities of Branch Treasurer are ensuring that accounts are produced, budgets prepared, and financial reports provided to Branch committees and the annual general meeting.   But much of this is automated.  We use electronic banking and our accounts are managed electronically, which means everything is straightforward and reporting is easy.  An outside company manages the payroll tasks associated with employing our Administrator.

Nor does the Treasurer need to get involved in individual casework or negotiations – although a Treasurer who was interested in doing so would be able to.

This is a great opportunity for a member who would like to become involved in the Branch.

If you are interested and would like to know more, please contact Dan Bye or Tracey Holland.

Candidates for Treasurer will then be elected by the AGM in March, so if you are interested you will need to complete and submit the officer nomination form by noon on 12th February.
