Registration is now open for the 2020 National Young Members Weekend at the Crown Plaza in Glasgow.
The weekend starts at 3pm on Friday 1st May and ends 12:30pm on Sunday 3rd May.
The weekend includes plenary sessions, education and training, discussions and social activities. It’s a great way to network and find out how to get active and more involved in the union.
Who can attend?
Any young member (under the age of 27 on Sunday 3 May 2020) who is interested in getting actively involved in organising and campaigning in UNISON.
What does it cost?
£300 per young member (the same price as last year). This rate includes accommodation for Friday and Saturday nights, dinner on Friday, breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday, and breakfast and lunch on Sunday. – This is payable by the Branch.
It will be £131.90 for a partner (includes accommodation, breakfasts, lunches, and dinners) – This is payable by the member.
Travel costs
Travel costs are met centrally. Members are expected to use Stewart Corporate Travel to travel to and from this event. This is in order to control costs but also part of our policy to support public transport and our commitment to the green agenda.
Interested? Please contact your Branch Administrator for full details. Closing date for registrations is MONDAY 3rd FEBRUARY.