UNISON is urging members to write to their MEPs before the European Parliament votes on the proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) early next month.

The union is warning that the proposed deal between the EU and US threatens to liberalise and privatise public services and reduce workers’ rights and protections.

And it will undermine democracy by allowing international companies to sue governments over democratic decisions which affect profits, through the controversial investor-state dispute settlement procedures, known as ISDS.

This involves particular threats to public services and UNISON is urging members to make their voice heard on the threats posed by TTIP, via a TUC online campaign calling for people to email their MEPs.

UNISON is urging members to ask their MEPs to make sure that the TTIP resolution includes:

  • defence of workers’ rights;
  • protection for public services;
  • removal of ISDS and special courts for foreign investors;
  • no reduction in regulatory protections for workers, consumers or the environment.

Use the TUC Going to Work site to email your MEP.

In Northern Ireland, members will need to write direct to their MEPs as part of campaigns led by UNISON Northern Ireland and the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU).

No to TTIP coalition

UNISON campaigning on TTIP

UNISON briefing on TTIP