Wreath laying ceremony and speeches by The Memorial Tree

outside Sheffield Town Hall, Pinstone Street

12:30- 13:30


“Remember the Dead – Fight for the Living”

International Workers Memorial Day is a big event this year with plenty of rousing and inspiring speakers’ present- there’s also a wreath laying service at the Town Hall memorial tree in which we as a branch have been asked to participate.

If your about next Friday and can spare a bit of your lunch break please attend as it’s important we show our support- it’s good for our members and the general public. If enough of us can attend on Friday, we’ll raise our banner high in a show of strength and solidarity with our fellow Trade Unionists.

 Will Tierney
UNISON SHU Health & Safety Officer

International Workers Memorial Day is commemorated throughout the world, the purpose of which has always been to “remember the dead-fight for the living”. *There are on average 15 work related fatalities per year in the Yorkshire and Humber region alone.

It’s a worrying time for workers. Across the world we are seeing growing attacks on health and safety protection, including the UK where the Tory Government have removed protection from millions of self-employed workers, and across Europe where the European Commission are pursuing a dangerous de-regulatory strategy.

However, laws aren’t enough if they’re not enforced. That’s why we need proper inspections and enforcement action against those who break the laws. The number of inspections has fallen in the last five years, and in many other countries enforcement is non-existent.

That’s why we need a strong union. Unionised workplaces are safer, yet the Government is trying to stop unions protecting the health and safety of their members by restricting the right of health and safety reps to take time off to keep the workplace safer, and attacking the right to strike should things go wrong.

Building strong trade unions and campaigning for stricter enforcement with higher penalties for breach of health and safety laws is vital. By working together we can all make a difference to the health and safety standards in our workplace. If you can spare the time please attend the Memorial Day event outside the Town hall 1230hrs- 1330hrs Friday 26th April 2019. Look out for the SHU Unison Banner.


Opened by a representative of the Lord Mayor Cllr. Majid Majid

And presided over by Sheffield TUC President Bob Jeffery

 Paul Blomfield MP and Louise Haigh MP

(On behalf of the Sheffield Labour MPs)

Bill Adams

Regional SecretaryYorks and Humber TUC

Cllr. Julie Dore, Leader, Sheffield City Council

Tristram Sterry Thompsons Solicitors

Brian Lawton, Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign

Representatives from Health and Safety Campaigns:

Jawad Qasari, Hazards Campaign

SARAG (asbestos victims support group)

 John Campbell, UNISON NHS Teaching Hospitals

Plus speakers invited from other major unions in the city

 including UNITE, GMB FBU, RMT

There will be a minute’s silence after the above speakers, followed by a short closing address by:

Martin Mayer, Secretary STUC

This is an internationally recognised event with similar activities taking place in towns and cities all around the globe.