You should have received an email from Jon Richards, UNISON’s Head of Education in the last week or so, urging that you use your vote in the ongoing pay consultation.   You may also have received a reminder.

The email includes a link to allow you to vote.  In the past we have conducted these consultative ballots locally, but they are now being run from National HQ.

If you are an eligible member but have lost your voting email or didn’t receive one, you can use this voting link instead (membership number required):

Vote now

Please do use your vote.    You can vote until 1st July.

The pay offer affects you, and your vote helps determine UNISON’s response.   UNISON is urging members to REJECT the offer, and will decide whether to proceed to a full ballot for industrial action based on the results of this consultative ballot.

UNISON’s pay claim, submitted jointly with the other Higher Education unions, was for a rise of inflation (using the RPI measure), plus 3% (or a minimum of  £3,349).     The claim also asked for a £10 an hour minimum rate of pay, for all Universities to become accredited Living Wage employers, a 35 hour working week, action to close gender and ethnicity pay gaps, and action on excessive workloads and stress.

The employers offered a rise of 1.8%, with an offer of between 1.82% and 3.65% for the lowest paid.

Check what it would mean for you here:  final pay offer.

Use UNISON’s pay calculator below to see how much pay you’ve lost over the last ten years:https://www.unison.org.uk/at-work/education-services/about/higher-education/pay-now-higher-education.


University employers improve offer at latest pay talks.

Unions representing workers across the UK higher education sector met employers for the second round of pay talks, and received an improved offer over that made at the first meeting on 26 March.

UNISON head of education Jon Richards (above) said: “While the employers made an increase to their opening offer, this still falls far short of the fair claim made by unions.

“As negotiations continue, the unions will push for an improved deal at the next meeting later this month.”

In March, the university employers said they had “an initial envelope for discussion of 1.3% across all the elements of the pay claim”

This week, they increased that ‘envelope’ to 1.5% and spoke of a 2.5% pay rise for the lowest paid staff.

 The unions and employers are due to meet again on 7 May.



 Wreath laying ceremony and speeches by The Memorial Tree

outside Sheffield Town Hall, Pinstone Street

12:30- 13:30


“Remember the Dead – Fight for the Living”

International Workers Memorial Day is a big event this year with plenty of rousing and inspiring speakers’ present- there’s also a wreath laying service at the Town Hall memorial tree in which we as a branch have been asked to participate.

If your about next Friday and can spare a bit of your lunch break please attend as it’s important we show our support- it’s good for our members and the general public. If enough of us can attend on Friday, we’ll raise our banner high in a show of strength and solidarity with our fellow Trade Unionists.

 Will Tierney
UNISON SHU Health & Safety Officer

Continue reading


Help us to help you!

UNISON are carrying out  a survey to find out how you feel about your current level of skills and what skills you think you would want for the future. This survey will help us develop future training courses to support you in your workplaces.

This quick survey will take only 15 mins to complete.  There are no wrong answers, we just want to hear about your views. For taking the time to do the survey you will have the chance to win an all expenses paid weekend trip to Croyde Bay, Devon or the chance of winning £200 or £100 Love2Shop voucher UNISON SKILLS FOR THE FUTURE SURVEY



Building Confidence in Women, 2-3 March 2019

1 night residential at Novotel Hotel, Leeds

Cost to branch £150 per delegate

Building Confidence in Women, 6-7 July 2019 – places available

1 night residential at Novotel Hotel, Leeds

Cost to branch £150 per delegate


Everyday Living Everyday Numbers – 12 March 2019

Non-Residential at Commerce House, Leeds

Cost to branches: FREE

Pre-Retirement Workshop – 20 March 2019

Non-Residential at Commerce House, Leeds

Cost to branches: £10

Confidence Building (Power to be You) – 22 March 2019

Non-Residential at Commerce House, Leeds

Cost to branches: FREE

Assertiveness Habit – 25 April 2019

Non-Residential at Commerce House, Leeds

Cost to branches: FREE

Women’s Assertiveness

Assertiveness training offers a means of learning an invaluable set of communication skills, which helps us to express our opinions, needs, and feelings honestly and directly. The philosophy behind assertiveness training is expressly non-competitive and great care is taken to enable each participant to strengthen their self-esteem and prevent themselves being manipulated or exploited. The course is delivered in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. You will leave the weekend with some useful techniques to be able to assert yourself in different situations.

 “ The training has been really good, I now feel ready to assert myself. Both outside and at work. Thank you!”

Women’s Assertiveness, 22-23 June 2019 (places available)

1 night residential at Novotel Hotel, Leeds

Cost to branch £150 per delegate

Women’s Assertiveness, 26-27 October 2019 (places available)

1 night residential at Novotel Hotel, Leeds

Cost to branch £150 per delegate

If you would like to attend please email j.ward@shu.ac.uk.