UNISON Disabled Members Conference

This year’s National Disabled Members Conference takes place in Brighton from 2-4 November. But now is the time to get your branch to agree to send you!

Last year’s conference heard from President Gordon McKay (pictured) and a host of UNISON disabled members from up and down the country. The 2019 conference bulletin has now been published and all the details can be found here.

To attend as a delegate you need to speak to your branch secretary as soon as you can. Delegates are often agreed at the branch AGM – contact your branch now so you don’t miss out. The deadline for your branch to register you as a delegate is 25 July.

Conference is a great place to find out what UNISON is doing about disability equality in the workplace and to make sure your voice is heard as we agree our priorities for the year ahead.  And of course you also get to meet lots of other disabled UNISON members and to enjoy the delights of Brighton!  If your branch wants to submit a motion the deadline is 12 July.