UNISONSHU Branch supporting UCU colleagues

A collection will take place at the Branch Social on Wednesday 4 December in the Arundel Room, Millennium Gallery.





Local Dispute

Workload intensification is a major issue at SHU, as demonstrated in numerous local surveys by your UCU branch.

Dramatic increases in occupational health referrals and usage of the counselling service by staff at SHU have been recorded. We believe this is inevitably linked to workplace stress.

In July 2019, UCU members delivered a resounding mandate for strike action in an indicative ballot (82% for strike action on the back of a 66% turnout).  This did not convince Management to meet our demands, which forced us to proceed to a statutory ballot.  In October 2019 the turnout was slightly down, which is a common problem with postal ballots, at 53% but the vote for strike action increased to 84%.

Management have made a proposal, which was subsequently rejected unanimously by members.  We are still negotiating in good faith but the clock is ticking and time is running out before we will be forced once again to escalate this dispute due to management’s refusal to recognise that the current working conditions are detrimental to the mental health of academic members of staff.