From 18_26 September branches across the UK are organising a week of activities to call for urgent action to tackle climate change.

On Wednesday September 22, take part in the biggest global conversation about our future by joining Global Day of Action to Climate and Employment Proof our Work. Sign up to the ITUC Day of Action to Climate and Employment Proof Our Work.


On Thursday 23 September, join the UNISON Green Network webinar. Sign up to our network to receive green updates here and you will automatically receive a link to the webinar. You will also be able to access UNISON resources, including guidance on green bargaining and being a green workplace rep.

Find out more about the Fridays for Future youth climate strike on Friday 24 September here and, for Scotland, here.



Find out how your branch can take part in the UK Big Green week here, and in Scotland, at Stop Climate Chaos here.



To find out what is happening at the November UN Cop26 in Glasgow and how branches can take part, visit the Cop26 Coalition website, which also provides details of Cop26 Glasgow events from 31 October to 12 November, including UK-wide demonstrations on 6 November.


You have the chance to take in our green survey next week.  More news to come.