Be a UNISON Branch Officer!

SHU UNISON branch has a number of vacant officer roles.  These roles are an excellent way to get more involved with the Branch, as well as developing skills that you will find useful in work and wider contexts.  Branch officers are entitled to facility time to carry out their duties, and have access to regional / national training courses as well as advice and support from experienced officers within the Branch and the Region.  Administrative support for all roles is provided by Jo Ward, UNISON Administrator.  Details of vacant roles are below; to find out more or to volunteer for any of these roles please contact Dan Bye, Branch Secretary.

Branch Chair / Vice-Chair

The Branch Chair is responsible for chairing and setting the agendas for branch meetings.  This involves liaising with officers and stewards about the priorities for discussion; encouraging a wide range of contributions to meetings; and ensuring meetings are effective in sharing information and making decisions, while also running to time!

Communications Officer

The Communications Officer will encourage officers, stewards and members to submit articles and information to the branch website/newsletter, and other communications that may be needed from time to time.  They will edit articles submitted to ensure they are suitable for publishing by the branch administrator, and maintain an overview of branch communications, including social media.

Equalities Officer

The Equalities Officer works to promote equal opportunities for members across the University, for example by encouraging the development of Self-Organised Groups, providing feedback on University equality policies and raising issues relevant to members with protected characteristics.  This may involve attending University meetings of groups such as the proposed SHU Equality and Diversity Group.


The Treasurer has oversight of branch finances, including preparation of the annual budget, reporting to branch committee and the AGM on the branch’s financial position, and co-ordinating the salary payments for the branch administrator, using online systems provided by UNISON and HMRC.  While it is by no means necessary to be a qualified accountant to fulfil this role, some confidence around working with budgets and spreadsheets or a calculator is required!

Young Members Officer

Young members are defined by UNISON as being 26 or under.  The Young Members Officer will seek to involve young members within the branch, by identifying recruitment initiatives and providing feedback on policies and raising issues relevant to younger members of staff.